Eligible Candidates

Categories of candidates who are accepted

The MSc accepts, after selection, graduates from the following Departments and Schools of Greek Universities and Technical Educational Institutes (TEIs), or recognized equivalent institutions abroad according to the current legislation:

School of Medicine
Schools of Health Sciences
School of Public Health
School of Health and Welfare Professions
Schools of Sciences
Biological Sciences
Business Administration and Organizations
Organization and Management of Enterprises
Business Administration
Administrative Science and Technology
Business Administration and Public Administration

Candidates who have completed their studies may also apply, provided they have obtained a Certificate of Completion of their Studies before the date of verification of the list of successful candidates. In this case, a copy of their degree or diploma is submitted before the start date of the program. Upon request, only graduates according to the internal regulations of the institution may apply exclusively to the M.Sc. program.


Candidates who have completed their studies at foreign institutions not yet included in the National Registry of Recognized Foreign Institutions of DOATAP may also apply. In the event that an institution abroad is not listed on the DOATAP website, the Department of Public and Community Health applies the procedure outlined in paragraph 5 of article 304 of Law 4957/2022. Otherwise, the candidate will be deleted from the list without any claim for a refund of any deposited fees.


Members of Specialized Teaching Staff (STS), as well as Laboratory Teaching Staff (LTS), and Specialized Technical Laboratory Staff (STLS)Teaching and Research Staff, may, upon request, enroll as supernumerary students, with only one student per year, without tuition fees in the M.Sc. program.